Electrical Inspection Kensington

If you’re looking for a reputable electrical company that offers electrical inspection Kensington services, then you’re in the right place. Here at Lola Electrical, we can perform an electrical inspection for domestic, commercial and industrial properties in Kensington and surrounding areas. To book an appointment with a qualified engineer, call us on 0203 146 1859.


What Happens During an Electrical Inspection Kensington Service?

An electrical inspection is a thorough inspection of all the electrical installations within a property that is performed by a qualified individual such as an electrician. The electrician will perform a series of inspections and tests to ensure that the electrical systems are in good working order. An inspection takes place to prevent damage to the property or injury to the user. An electrical inspection will usually last around an hour for a standard sized domestic property and will be considerably longer for a large commercial premise. Once the inspection has been completed, you will be issued with an electrical installation condition report.


Electrical Installation Condition Report in Kensington

This report will detail the findings from the electrical inspection and should be issued to you within 24 hours of the electrical inspection completion. As a result of our electrical inspection Kensington service, the electrical installation condition report will:

  • Highlight any lack of earth bonding on water and gas supplies.
  • Check the suitability of switchgear and control gear.
  • Reveal any defective electrical work.
  • Highlight any deviations from the current electrical standards including loose or damaged cables and connections.
  • Show if any electrical circuits or equipment is overloaded.
  • Identify any potential health and safety risks such as a fire or shock risk.

The electrical installation condition report will also reveal a next recommended inspection date and will grade your electrical installations stating whether they need urgent remedial works, immediate remedial works, recommended remedial works or if they are satisfactory. If they are satisfactory or need recommended remedial works, then you will receive an electrical certificate.


When to get an Electrical Inspection in Kensington

Did you know that in 2015/16 15,432 fires were caused by electricity which equated to 54.4% of the total fires in England being caused by electricity and resulted in 1380 fatalities and injuries? *. One of the best ways to prevent this is to have regular electrical inspections to detect any faults within your electrical systems. It is recommended that you get an electrical inspection in Kensington:

  • Every 10 years for a self-owned property.
  • Every 5 years for a rented domestic property with tenants.
  • Every 5 years for a commercial property.
  • Every 5 years for an industrial property.
  • Every 3 years for a caravan.
  • Every year for a property or building with a swimming pool.
  • After a fire or flood has taken place on the property.
  • When there is a change of tenancy.

If you fail to have regular electrical inspections, then you could be held liable for any damage or injuries and in commercial properties, your insurance could be invalid.


What Happens if the Electrical Installations are Deemed as Unsatisfactory?

If the electrical installations are found to be unsatisfactory during your electrical inspection Kensington service, then you will be unable to receive an electrical certificate for the property. You will need this certificate before you get tenants in your property and you will be unable to do so until the necessary requirements are met. The remedial works needed will need to be completed within the time frame that is set if there are current tenants within the property or if it’s a commercial building. Lola Electrical engineers can provide you with a fair, no obligation quote for all remedial works that are needed, and we will even perform another electrical inspection for you free of charge to ensure that you receive your electrical certificate.


Booking your Electrical Inspection in Kensington

If you’re due an electrical inspection Kensington service or need remedial works to receive an electrical certificate, then call Lola Electrical on 0203 146 1859. If you have any questions regarding the report of your electrical inspection, do not hesitate to email us on liam@lolaelectrical.co.uk.

* https://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/about-us/policies-and-research/statistics-england/

Contact Us

    19 Sandy Beach Estate, Hayling Island PO11 9RG