Electrical Inspection Kingston

Electrical certificates are an important document that every property or building needs to have if you want to have tenants or the public enter and use the electrical systems. You get presented with an electrical certificate after an electrical inspection has taken place. To book the best electrical inspection Kingston has to offer, call Lola Electrical on 0203 146 1859.


What is an Electrical Inspection?

When an electrician performs an electrical inspection of your premises, they will check all the electrical systems within your property. All electrical installations will deteriorate with age, therefore, periodic electrical inspections need to take place. The electrician will perform thorough checks and tests on the electrics to determine whether:

  • Any of the electrical circuits or equipment are overloaded.
  • There are any potential fire hazards or shock risks.
  • There is any defective electrical work.
  • Whether there is an absence of any earth bonding on the water or gas supplies.

Lola Electrical can send engineers to perform an electrical inspection in Kingston to check whether your electrical installations are still working correctly.


How Often Are Periodic Electrical Inspections Required?

If your electrical installations were in good working order during the last electrical inspection, then the recommended periodic inspections will be:

  • Every 10 years for a property that you own and live in.Electrical Inspection Kingston
  • Every 5 years for a property that you have leased out to tenants.
  • Every 3 years for a caravan home.
  • Every year for a property with a swimming pool.

You also need to have your electrical inspection in Kingston when:

  • You are about to let out a property to tenants.
  • You are buying or selling a property.


What Happens During an Electrical Inspection?

The certified electrician will perform the tests and checks on the electrical installations. The electrical inspection in Kingston will consider and check:

  • The adequacy of the earth bonding; not only will the inspection check if it’s present but how adequate it is if it is present.
  • The fusebox; if there is an old fusebox with a wooden back or cast-iron switches, then it will need to be upgraded with a new fusebox.
  • The switches, sockets and lighting fittings. Any of these that are outdated such as sockets mounted on skirting boards need to be removed and replaced.
  • The type of wiring system in place and its condition. Cables coated in rubber, lead or even fabric are all outdated and the electrical inspection Kingston will pick up on these as they will need to be updated to modern wires that are coated in PVC insulation.
  • Whether sockets that are used for equipment outside are protected with residual current devices.
  • Whether electrical devices have adequate identification and notices displayed.
  • If there is any wear and tear present. If there is a bit of deterioration present but the electrical device is still safe for use, then you will be advised on a sooner electrical inspection date for your next inspection.

If you choose Lola Electrical as your certified body, then we can perform the best electrical inspection Kingston can provide for you. Once the electrical inspection has finished, we will provide you with an electrical installation condition report for your premises. This report will detail and explain everything that we found during the inspection that doesn’t conform with the current electrical standards.

If there is anything that is potentially dangerous or life-threatening, then the electrical installations will be deemed as unsatisfactory. This means that you won’t receive your electrical certificate and you will need to have your remedial works performed as soon as possible.


Receiving Your Electrical Inspection in Kingston

If you need a periodic inspection or are looking to buy, sell or rent a property, then you’re going to need an electrician to perform the best electrical inspection Kingston can offer you. Lola Electrical can provide electrical inspections for Kingston and the rest of South London; give us a call on 0203 146 1859 and we’ll book an appointment for you. We will provide a pdf document of your electrical certificate within 24 hours of the inspection passing.

Contact Us

    19 Sandy Beach Estate, Hayling Island PO11 9RG