Electrical Installation Condition Report Twickenham

To receive an electrical installation condition report, you must first have an electrical inspection take place in Twickenham. Lola Electrical engineers can perform this electrical inspection on your electrical systems to provide you with the most detailed, easy to read electrical installation condition report Twickenham has available. Give us a call on 0203 146 1859 to book an appointment for your electrical inspection.


What is an Electrical Installation Condition Report?

An electrical installation condition report is a document that you receive after an electrical inspection has taken place. An electrical inspection is where a certified electrician or another official body will perform thorough checks and tests on all your electrical installations to check if they are safe for use. Once the inspection has taken place, an electrical installation condition report will be recorded. This report will detail anything that doesn’t conform to the current electrical standards within your electrical installations. It will explain each problem that is wrong with each electrical installation separately. Lola Electrical will provide you with a clear electrical installation condition report Twickenham can provide which will be broken up into different sections.

We will detail the remedial works that need to take place and the urgency that they require. If there are any major remedial works that need to be completed, we advise that we complete them then and there to ensure your safety. Remedial works that need to be completed in order to receive your electrical certificate that isn’t as urgent, we are happy to book in an appointment that is convenient for you.

Lastly, you have the remedial works listed on the electrical installation condition report that are recommended to improve your electrical installations. We will also recommend a date for your next electrical inspection dependent on the current state of your electrical systems.


What Remedial Works Are Listed on an Electrical Installation Condition Report?

When an electrical inspection takes place, there is a thorough check on your electrical installations. The electrical installation condition report will list:

  • Any deviations from current electrical standards such as loose or damaged cables and wiring within the electrical systems.
  • Any electrical circuits or equipment that doesn’t have the correct protection devices in place.
  • Whether any of the electrical installations are at risk of creating shock or fire damage due to any defectives within the installation.
  • If there is any earth bonding missing from your gas or water supplies.


How Often Should You Receive an Electrical Installation Condition Report?

As electrical installations will deteriorate over time, you should receive your electrical installation condition report Twickenham every:

  • 10 years for a property that you own and live in.Electrical Installation Condition Report Twickenham
  • 5 years for a property leased by you that is occupied by tenants.
  • 5 years for commercial buildings.
  • 3 years for a caravan property.
  • 1 year for a property that has a swimming pool.

Lola Electrical are happy to schedule in these appointments for you. If your electrical inspection passes, then we will provide you with your electrical certificate. These are guidelines only; sometimes, your electrical certificate will expire at a sooner date depending on the standards of your electrical installations.


Why do You Need an Electrical Certificate?

An electrical certificate is a document that certifies that the electrical installations within the property or building are safe to use. This is received after any remedial works that were listed on the electrical installation condition report are carried out, so the electrical inspection passes. You need to have a certificate when:

  • You are buying or selling a property.
  • You are renting out your property to tenants.
  • A fire or flood has taken place.

Without a certificate, you will not be able to lease out your property or sell your property to another buyer.


Receiving Your Electrical Installation Condition Report in Twickenham

If you’re looking for the cheapest electrical installation condition report Twickenham has to offer you, then you’re in the right place. Lola Electrical can perform electrical inspections and provide electrical installation condition reports and electrical certificates in addition to performing any and all remedial works in Twickenham and surrounding areas. Give us a call on 0203 146 1859 to book an appointment with us.

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    19 Sandy Beach Estate, Hayling Island PO11 9RG